Number Series Rules with solved Problems
Series is an important chapter from banking examination point of view.
Following are some of the important rules or order on which the number
series can be made :-
Pure Series
Difference Series
Ratio Series
Mixed Series
Geometric Series
Two Tier Arithmetic Series
Other Types
1. Pure Series
In this type of number series, the number itself obeys certain order so that the character of the series can be found out.
The number itself may be.
Perfect Square
Example :
121, 144, 169, 225 ?
Answer - 256
Perfect Cube
Example :
6859, 5832, 4913, 4096, 3375, ?
Answer - 2744
2. Difference Series
Example :
1348, 1338, 1318, 1288, 1248, ?
Answer - 1198
3. Ratio Series
Example :
336, 168, 84, 42, 21, ?
Answer - 10.5
4. Mixed Series
Example :
222, 441, 1321, 2639, 7915, ?
Answer - 15827
5. Geometric Series
Example 1. 5, 35, 245, 1715, ?
Ans. 12005
Examples 2. 43923,3993, 363, 33, ?
Ans. 3
6. Two-tier Arithmetic Series
7. Other Type
To find the odd number from the number series. In this type of series the above rules are also followed.
Some Examples ;
2, 3, 7, 22, 89, 440, 2677, 18740
Solution : ×1+1, ×2+1, ×3+1, ×4+1, ×5+1 ........
So, 440 is replaced by 446
5, 6, 14, 40, 89, 170, 291
Solution : +12, +32, +52, +72, +92
So, 14 is replaced by 15.
445, 221, 109, 46, 25, 114, 4
Solution : -3÷2, -3÷2........
So,46 is replaced by 53.
12, 26, 56, 116, 244, 498, 1008
Solution : ×2+2, ×2+4 ×2+6, ........
So, 116 is replaced by 118
8, 27, 64, 125, 217, 343
Solution : 23, 33, 43, 53,.....
So, 217 is replaced by 216