Friday, 16 December 2016

Computer System Architecture MCQ (GnduHub)

Computer System Architecture MCQ(GnduHub.BlogSpot.In)

1.      RTL stands for:

a.       Random transfer language
b.      Register transfer language
c.       Arithmetic transfer language
d.      All of these

2.      Which operations are used for addition, subtraction, increment, decrement and complement function:

a.       Bus
b.      Memory transfer
c.       Arithmetic operation
d.      All of these

3.      Which language is termed as the symbolic depiction used for indicating the series:
a.       Random transfer language
b.      Register transfer language
c.       Arithmetic transfer language
d.      All of these
4.      The method of writing symbol to indicate a provided computational process is called as a:   
a.       Programming language
b.      Random transfer language
c.       Register transfer language
d.      Arithmetic transfer language
5.      In which transfer the computer register are indicated in capital letters for depicting its function:

a.       Memory transfer
b.      Register transfer
c.       Bus transfer
d.      None of these

6.      The register that includes the address of the memory unit is termed as the ____:

a.      MAR
b.      PC
c.       IR
d.      None of these

7.      The register for the program counter is signified as_____:

a.       MAR
b.      PC
c.       IR
d.      None of these

8.      In register transfer the instruction register as:

a.       MAR
b.      PC
c.       IR
d.      None of these

9.      In register transfer the processor register as:

a.       MAR
b.      PC
c.       IR
d.      RI

10.  How many types of micro operations:

a.       2
b.      4
c.       6
d.      8

11.  Which are the operation that a computer performs on data that put in register:

a.       Register transfer
b.      Arithmetic
c.       Logical
d.      All of these

12.  Which micro operations carry information from one register to another:

a.      Register transfer
b.      Arithmetic
c.       Logical
d.      All of these

13.  Micro operation is shown as:

a.       R1->R2
b.      R1<-R2
c.       Both
d.      None

14.   In memory transfer location address is supplied by____ that puts this on address bus:

a.       ALU
b.      CPU
c.       MAR
d.      MDR

15.  How many types of memory transfer operation:

a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4

16.  Operation of memory transfer are:

a.       Read
b.      Write
c.       Both
d.      None

17.  In memory read the operation puts memory address on to a register known as :

a.       PC
b.      ALU
c.       MAR
d.      All of these

18.  Which operation puts memory address in memory address register and data in DR:

a.       Memory read
b.      Memory write
c.       Both
d.      None

19.  Arithmetic operation are carried by such micro operation on stored numeric data available in_____:

a.      Register
b.      Data
c.       Both
d.      None

20.  In arithmetic operation numbers of register and the circuits for addition at _____:

a.      ALU
b.      MAR
c.       Both
d.      None

21.   Which operation are implemented using a binary counter or combinational circuit:

a.       Register transfer
b.      Arithmetic
c.       Logical
d.      All of these

22.  Which operation are binary type, and are performed  on bits string that is placed in register:
a.      Logical micro operation
b.      Arithmetic micro operation
c.       Both
d.      None
23.  A micro operation every bit of a register is a:

a.       Constant
b.      Variable
c.       Both
d.      None

24.  Which operation is extremely useful in serial transfer of data:
a.       Logical micro operation
b.      Arithmetic micro operation
c.       Shift micro operation
d.      None of these
25.  Which language specifies a digital system which uses specified notation:

a.      Register transfer
b.      Arithmetic
c.       Logical
d.      All of these

26.  IR stands for:
a.       Input representation
b.      Intermediate representation
c.       Both
d.      None
27.  HDL stands for:
a.       Human description language
b.      Hardware description language
c.       Hardware description land
d.      None of these
28.  VPCC stands for:
a.       Variable portable C compiler
b.      Very portable C compiler
c.       Both
d.      None
29.   In register transfer which system is a sequential logic system in which flip-flops and gates are constructed:

a.      Digital system
b.      Register
c.       Data
d.      None

30.  High level language C supports register transfer technique for______ application:

a.      Executing
b.      Compiling
c.       Both
d.      None

31.  A counter is incremented by one and memory unit is considered as a collection of _______:

a.       Transfer register
b.      Storage register
c.       RTL
d.      All of these

32.   Which is the straight forward register transfer the data from register to another register temporarily:
a.       Digital system
b.      Register
c.       Data
d.      Register transfer operations
33.  In organization of a digital system register transfer of any digital system therefore it is called:

a.       Digital system
b.      Register
c.       Data
d.      Register transfer level

34.  The binary information of source register chosen by:

a.       Demultiplexer
b.      Multiplexer
c.       Both
d.      None

35.  Which control transfer passes the function  via control______:

a.       Logic
b.      Operation
c.       Circuit
d.      All of these

36.  Register are assumed to use positive-edge-triggered _____:

a.      Flip-flop
b.      Logics
c.       Circuit
d.      Operation

37.  IDE stands for:
a.       Input device electronics
b.      Integrated device electronic
c.       Both
d.      None
38.  ATA stands for:
a.      Advance technology attachment
b.      Advance teach attachment
c.       Both
d.      None
39.  The memory bus is also referred as______:

a.      Data bus
b.      Address bus
c.       Memory bus
d.      All of these

40.  How many  parts of memory  bus:

a.      2
b.      3
c.       5
d.      6

41.  A three state gate defined as:

a.       Analog circuit
b.      Analog fundamentals
c.       Both a&b
d.      Digital circuit

42.  In 3 state gate two states act as signals equal to:

a.       Logic 0
b.      Logic 1
c.       None of these
d.      Both a & b

43.  In 3 state gate third position termed as high impedance state which acts as:

a.      Open circuit
b.      Close circuit
c.       None of these
d.      All of above

44.  In every transfer, selection of register by bus is decided by:

a.      Control signal
b.      No signal
c.       All signal
d.      All of above

45.   every bit of register has:

a.       2 common line
b.      3 common line
c.       1 common line
d.      none of these

46.  DDR2 stands for:

a.      Double data rate 2
b.      Data double rate 2
c.       Dynamic data rate 2
d.      Dynamic double rate 2

47.  SDRAM stands for:
a.       System dynamic random access memory
b.      Synchronous dynamic random access memory
c.       Both
d.      None
48.  Which is referred as a sequential circuit which contains the number of register as per the protocol:

a.       RTL
b.      RAM
c.       MAR
d.      All of these

49.  Which operation refer bitwise manipulation of contents of register:
a.      Logical micro operation
b.      Arithmetic micro operation
c.       Shift micro operation
d.      None of these
50.  Which symbol will be used to denote an micro operation:

a.       (^)
b.      (v)
c.       Both
d.      None

51.  which symbol will be denote an AND micro operation:

a.      (^)
b.      (v)
c.       Both
d.      None

52.  Which operation are associated with serial transfer of data:
a.       Logical micro operation
b.      Arithmetic micro operation
c.       Shift micro operation
d.      None of these
53.  The bits are shifted and the first flip-flop receives its binary information from the_____:

a.       Serial output
b.      Serial input
c.       Both
d.      None

54.   How many types of shift micro operation:

a.       2
b.      4
c.       6
d.      8

55.  Which shift is a shift micro operation which is used to shift a signed binary number to the left or right:

a.       Logical  
b.      Arithmetic 
c.       Both
d.      None of these

56.  which shift is used for signed binary number:

a.       Logical  
b.      Arithmetic 
c.       Both
d.      None of these

57.  Arithmetic left shift is used to multiply a signed number by_____:

a.       One
b.      Two
c.       Three
d.      All of these

58.  The variable of_______ correspond to hardware register:

a.       RAM
b.      RTL
c.       ALU
d.      MAR

59.  In which shift is used to divide a signed number by two:
a.        Logical  right-shift
b.      Arithmetic  right shift
c.       Logical left shift
d.      Arithmetic left shift
60.  How evolved in register transfer language and where:

a.       Chirsfraser 1980
b.      J.davidson 1980
c.       Chirs fraser 1920
d.      J.davidson 1920
e.      A and B
f.        B and C
g.       C and D